A Good Office Chair


office chair_drawing_chair

Below you will find the features that good office
chairs provide you with. Before you buy an office
chair, you should make sure that the chair has
these features.
1. Backrest adjustment
A backrest adjustment can help to prevent or even
alleviate the discomfort that's associated with
sitting for long periods of time. The features of
a backrest adjustment include:
Backrest height - This allows you to find
the backrest height which will provide support for
the lumbar portion of your lower back.
Backrest tilt - this feature will allow
someone to adopt different postures while still
keeping good support for the lower back. You can
also adjust the feature as you wish.
Horizontal backrest movement - this feature
isn't the same as the tilt. Instead, the horizontal
will move side to side, making the chair a little
deeper for those who need it.
2. Chair height adjustment
Every office chair must have a height adjustment. With
most chairs, a pneumatic lever is the most common
way, as it allows you to readily adjust the height of
your office chair from a seated position. Office
chairs of the past require you to place a foot on
the base of the chair then spin it around and around
to raise or even lower the height.
3. Seat pan characteristics
With a chair's seat pan, you should look for the
following characteristics:
1. Rounded edge - found at the front of the
seat pan, this will prevent uncomfortable pressure
at the back of the legs or behind the knees.
2. Seat pan depth - Between the back of the
knee and front of the chair there should be a space
about the size of a clenched fist. For the legs,
this will help maintain proper circulation.
3. Seat pan tilt - This will allow room for
posture changes and also help to alleviate pressure on
the back of the thighs.
4. Fabric - Be on the lookout for durable
and permeable material that will dissipate moisture
and heat.
4. Armrests
An armrest shouldn't interfere with the task at hand
and always provide you room to move. Armrests aren't
normally needed for keyboard use, although they can
be used with reading, editing, or even doing work on
a desk. If you have to have them, look for those with
an adjustable height, adjustable width, and adequate
5. Stability
A great office chair will have a five pronged base
with the appropriate casters (soft for hard surfaces
and hard for soft surfaces). Chairs with four prongs
are less stable and prone to tipping sideways or
backwards when the users leans in any direction.


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